welcome to yanaalifestory.blogspot.com , hope you all enjoy .keep follow , thanks :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Celebrate bithday eynaa

jam mnunjuk kn hmpir 11.30 , mne laa Fara Dyan ny , tk smpai-2 ppul 12 nk grak dh .tp nk naek ap ? hahah . pening jee , then dh bncg-2 smue kteorg naek teksi ke MJ *majujunction laa . smpai-2 jee si Adila Fatinh dh nk blek , why ? mak dy soh blek laa . tggl lah disitu Nowr Shira , Yasmeen Yaacof and Nur Aina .then , smue dh smpay nyanyi laa lgu and potg kek . dh abes mkn-2 smue , kiteorg grak titiwangse . lpk-2 , snap-2 pic jee , hahha . then time snap pic tuh air pancut tasek mrembis dehh . err -.- hahah . then Zaiful Izham , Nabel Genji , Aziq Richard and lg sorg tk thu , :P . then , tk sgke plak dorg beli tpung , haih . myusahkn btul , maen bling-2 kt org plak . hahha , nabel and aziq yg pling trok . then photoshoot blek . lps tuh , kami pun pulang :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ilmu studio

tajuk apakah ? ahaha . nme tmpt tusyen aku laa . okeyy ny cite first day ak tusyen . yeahh i enjoy tusyen that day . all the teachers very nice and funny :) ahaaha , and yg pling pnting harap bole faham ap yg diaja . thats all , byee ;)

Update xD

ohh , lme sudah tk upd . malas siot -.- , andand busy .

pic diatas menunjukkan ak hang ng dorg smue hahha . 22.1.2011 kot ,sbena nye rmai lgy . next ak celebrate bday myza :) tp pic blum msok da . thats all . mls nk crite pnjg .